Saturday, November 2, 2013

Chili starter

Or how to burn your mouth with out even trying....

We were blessed with a good crop of peppers this year not sweet peppers but the hot ones...

Scotch Bonnets , Ghost Peppers, and  Pasilla Negro Chile Peppers. Pepper Jelly , Sweet vinegar pepper shake for greens... and a new item to my hubby's line up.....Dada dun dada dun  ...chili starter.

We have enough for an army... no really... and about 20 marines. This stuff is PO-Tent!
his recipe ?

All the left over peppers ... 8  ghost                                    4  28 oz. cans or crushed tomatoes
                                         10  Scotch Bonnets                    5 or 6  Pasilla Negro Chile's
         put whole peppers in My Ninja and blend till you can't tell what it is....
add 1/2 can of crushed tomatoes. Blend until mixed and add to a large pot adding the rest of the tomatoes.
Bring to a boil and can in 4 oz. jars because you only need about at two teaspoons for a large pot of chili.


It's good we tested it out on number 2 daughter's family... two 16 oz cans of tomato sauce and one tsp of starter two cans of beans and not to hot for the kids and the grown up's added about a 1/4 tsp to
their bowls.

I'm looking forward to dinner ...yum!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Pond I Think Not ☼ Shenanigans Portal ☼ Likely

Yesterday was just one thing after the other 

at Casa de Ha ha. 

The pond seems to be some kind of shenanigans 


Ever since we put water 

in it things 

have been happening 


are just a little to 

the left of normal. Ok 

some of them were a 

block or two from 


Last night 

He who never gets 

his way comes home 

with some pots 

and starts to adding things to the water 


It's looking good so I go back 

to making dinner and about 3 minutes 

later he comes in soaking wet. You guessed it 

"The pond dunked him", his words.

Not slipped in the pond but the pond dunked 

me. Really honey? 

Now I'm glad I did not see this because I 

have a thing called "Vasovagal syncope"  

I faint, pass out ,or get dizzy to the max 

when laugh to hard. So I'm glad I did not 

see this fall would have been out cold. 

That's not the funny part... Hubs is still 

saying the "pond" dunked him. I push this 

to the back of my mind and keep it moving. 

Fast forward to 2 am ...

I wake him up ...

why because I'm laughing in my sleep. 

Hysterical belly laughter and you guessed it 

even in my sleep I pass out. The thing 

is, I come to doing the same thing was 

doing when fainted the first time. We did get 

some sleep but I'm still trying 

to get the whole 

"the pond dunked me" out of my head.

********Up Date Up Date Up Date*******

Here are a few pictures to get you up

to speed on the pond and fountain.

This is how it went the first fountain powered by a solar panel.. 

The view at night 

This one did not last long and I only have 

this picture but it happened so there you go.

Had to send this little box turtle on his way.

George wanted to play but I didn't want the vet bill after he got bit..

 Then came this fountain and some flowers and pond dye. Look close at the fountain see the blue?

Then we added fish and more flowers and got rid of the dye.
Ha ha see what I did there.

 There are 10 fish in this picture. One is MIA now. His name is carrot top for obvious reasons. 

every one hiding in this picture too hot I guess.

The fish don't seem to mind it much kinda play in it..

You can't see the waterfall well for the fountain sooooo you guess it. Out you go 
big o' tall fountain.

Out with the old and in with the new...
So this is where we are at the moment.. 
we lost another two fish. Spot was found floating in the pond and one of the Blues Brothers is missing.. 
we put up the game camera to see if we have a crane of raccoon fishing at dawn. 

So now you are up to speed on the 
Shenanigans Portal 
aka money pit.

I still say it would have been cheaper to have gotten me a pool.

dream pool

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Camp Fire Cones or S'mores in a Cone

If you had any kind of outdoorsy childhood. It likely included  a camp fire or two. They no doubt came with at least one batch of S'mores. 

The law of averages says at least one or more of you has burnt the roof of your mouth on flaming hot melted molten marshmallow insides, that slid out of the perfectly browned and crusty outer layer that somehow managed to stay stuck to the stick.

This is not a sing Kumbaya and hold hands kind of happy felling at all!  Avoid it at all costs!  
If you can , but don't give up S'mores. Never give up on S'mores. 

There is not enough happy in the world and S'mores are happy.  They are the kind of  happy that you remember for ever. 

The played so hard the water from the hose was sweet and mud between your toes was the best it got in summer foot wear.

First hit at bat happy.  
First strike at bowling happy.
First fish on the line happy.
Maybe not first kiss happy but up there with it.

You see where I'm coming from now don't you. 

This kind of happy should not be marred by the fact the roof of your mouth is melting in to shreds of raw flesh that will surly catch fire any minute and send plumes of smoke rolling out your nose so dense that the fire department will have to be called.  

That is why I made these for my grand-kids...

There are many recipes and I do not know who came up with it first.... It has many names.....

Camp Fire Cones
S'mores in a Cone
Fun in a Cone
the list goes on and on.
The items you can put in it goes on for a bit too. 
You can do a build your own S'mores in a cone kind of bar set up if you like. 

I keep it simple, and make ahead of time to put on the grill after dinner.

Teddy Grams
Milk Chocolate Chips
Mini Marshmallows
Sugar Ice Cream Cones 
(They don't get mushy,mushy is not fun.)
Foil to wrap cones in.
Here is the assembly in a nut shell. 
I mix it all together at room temp.

Start to wrap the foil around the cone.

Then I fill with my mix.

Finish wrapping and twist the ends.

Now set them aside till later.
After dinner place on the grill or next to the fire for 2 to 5 min. The time will depend on how hot your fire is. 
Unwrap eat and enjoy. 
I can not guarantee no one will burn their mouth on this but it's not happened at our house yet.

Austin and Jon chilling until time for the fire.

Waiting on a bonfire is one of the hardest things for little boys.

Izzy trying to get me to squirt Cool-Aid in her mouth.

We play a game called krazzy Kick ball ... long story short ....  you can use your squirt gun to put soda or Kool-aid in someones moth you don't have to be out.

Happy Grand children left my house clutching the extra cones I did not roast on the grill. I sent home instructions with their mom on how to bake them in the oven ... and orders for grand kids not to put them in the microwave.

Your can wrap in wax paper and nuke in the microwave for about 4 sec. on rainy days. Or make as above and bake in a 350° oven for about 5 minutes  or as long as it takes your oven to heat up to 350° which ever comes first.

Monday, August 5, 2013

My New Deck or "he who never gets his way" still doesn't.

My new deck started with the new french doors.

           They leaked.... 
The company came out 3 times to try and fix them.
 The last guy said ... "You need an bigger over hang with the handicapped threshold." " It's always gonna leak it's a design flaw that we never got right." 

After my WT Flock moment and a few choice words, about that info would have been nice to have up front. 

I told hubs who had his own WTF moment... and a few more choice words....He called a few people and got a bid on a roof  to go over the deck on the back of the house...

Here sits the roof just waiting on the contractor to come and put it together... 

Much more to it then you would think .... he cut into the roof and extended the eves and made sure the slope would drain water or what ever the term is... did good work no leek and 4 good rains and one crazy wild storm... since and dry as a bone.....

Bit of a drop so we used this for a day or two.

One thing lead to another and he decided we need a new deck... So the old one got torn out and the roof got built and now he is single handily building my new deck.

Way to go hubby.  

Day one.... hubs was thinking .....I'll put screen under the deck in case some day we want to screen in the deck making it a porch.

Day four... I had things going on and didn't get to sneak pictures for a few days...

George thinks it all for him...  

hubs got the light in ...→

Just look at that ... remember the shed we had the eye sore of a shed ... It held up well but not to a sawzaw. Bawhahahahah

please note that not all people in MS are shoe less just my bunch 

Just a
 gratuitous Grand Baby photo 
Because bear foot ballerina Erin won't be little long. 

The things I see in clouds can not be explained easily. I'm not sure they should, but I took a picture on the 4th  of  July... that looked like the statue of me.  Her hair is a hot mess but she's been through a lot lately. Or could that be the Goddess with her arms open wide saying ...." Love you , nice deck"

David and Matt put in the ceiling for us as we are old and the play wood is killer heavy even with the lift thingie Matt rented. 

Looking  good with the rails up and the lattice around the bottom
Please notice the picture at the here↓ The two things next to the dish are solar panels for lights, 
                                                               ↓ cool right. 

Wonders of wonders ... Lowe's came through with the chairs for me. I didn't think they would ... our Lowe's stinks. 

I put the chairs together...

and hubs made the tables to go with them... he also 

put together my new grill. It cooks like a dream.  I did a Tri-Tip that melted in your mouth. 

and hubs is now building a table and benches for the yard. 

Don't you love the smaller version of the hand crafted table... & how about my rail table we are still looking for bar stool height chairs so we can sit at them. I keep my binoculars on one. 

Dad is almost finished with the steps just need to put the hand rail on and we are good to go.

So after all the hair pulling and name calling (the french door) the leek is fixed and I have a wiz-bang of a deck. 

He said he's not done ....... 
             Next on his list is a pond with a fountain and lights on solar.

*****  UP DATE ON THE BACK YARD *******

New pictures of the steps and he who never gets his way finished the table and benches and mixed and pored a 10 X 10 pad for it to sit on... 

                 LOVE IT! 

Now if the rain would stop I could use it

I think I may need new siding. Hummm?