Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Down Size

 In the past two years I have had to Downsize. On everything. Pay checks have gotten smaller, family size has gotten smaller,& I hope to get smaller.(that's another blog) 
The family has grown up and moved on now. It's down to.... He who never gets his way. His mom She who will pretend not to hear you,and Me. cooks to much woman. So how do you downsize a recipe you never had a real recipe for anyway.

My grandmother taught me to cook.

For this I am forever grateful. She never taught me to write it down. For this I'm sorry, at 10 I thought she would be around forever,at 15 I wished she was not always watching me. By 20 she was gone,and I was left to think what a igmo I was for not knowing her better. Thats another blog this ones about cutting back on a pot of chicken n dumplings.

She used a whole chicken and enough water to cover it.
I used one Boneless Skinless Chicken Brest and the leftover drippings from the turkey brest we had for dinner Saturday,and water to cover it wasn't much.


She used Two cups peas.
I used some leftover green beans,from Sunday nights dinner. 

She used about 5 large carrots diced. I used about one cup baby carrots sliced.
She used two cans corn. I used one.

She used about 4 or 5 potatoes. I used two almost medium potatoes.

She used about 3 cups Baking mix to make her dumplings. I used about one cup. I also add a little butter salt in place of salt. 

All the usual suspects as far as spices go,and I always add a pinch or two poultry seasoning.

the family did not wait for me to snap the picture .
I'm about two servings short.

and there you have it Downsized Chicken and dumplings.

With more and more people having to downsize because of paychecks and layoffs. I think we all are finding ways to be frugal and or cheep. We are going to grow more in the garden next year,and can more.

All that will keep for next time now I have to bake cookies with Izzy.

Till next time... Hug someone you love,
Smile at someone you don't know,
and be someones hero.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Southern Roundup through my lens

Found this sign along the way.

I would say sorry for taking so long , and I am but I will do it again. I know I will it's my way. I have never been one to keep up with dead lines. Their so final. So any way with out further delay, here are some pictures to make you day.
Up, up and away!

Gary and I getting our feet wet.

still laughing after the ride.

To much fun.

Cindy and Jan worked on this for two days.  They went down at about 1am after a few cocktails and The beach clean up crew ran over it after they spent one hour on it between laughing fits. So they tried again early before anyone was up. I woke up just in time to snap the picture.

Get a good look at the shirt Gary is taking off. It's the last time this shirt was seen. Still don't know were it went. I wouldn't tell even if i knew.

 About  4pm on day one I think. I did not take enought pictures because I was having too much fun. Some are videos and are up on you tube or will be soon. I will let you know how to find them or add a link in a later blog.
Took a picture of cindy taking a picture lol we were watching the sunset.

end of a wonderful day.