Sunday, June 16, 2013

Testing one two three......

This is me trying to get the silly widget for pinterst to work......

Friday, June 14, 2013

Receiving Blanket Butterfly

So.... I've been a bit busy. I have a quick minute now and thought  I would share this with you.... 

       How to turn a receiving blanket into a

It's that time of year again.....where winter fun collides with summer time .  So there are lots of baby showers to go to.

I have seen so many requests for how to make a diaper cake  

and how to fold the cute little cupcakes made out of onesies.  

best tutorial I found...

Oh and the bike my daughter in law made out of all the baby things is awesome!

I have a shower to go to this weekend ..and I wanted to do some fun things with the gifts. 

onesise in a cupcake box 
 blanket/butterfly as a bow 

It's for a girl so butterflies came to mind... I looked all over ... not one site, blog, or tutorial anywhere. Not even a picture on Pinterist, OK not any I liked much.... 

So I decided to make one up..... I use to have a working brain... before kids and work and "he who never get's his way" sucked it dry.... lol not really but it does seem that way at times..... 

This is what I came up with.... 

Not to fancy or hard to do... and I bet someone will come along and say ..

I did that first...or I can do that better....

but I couldn't find it when I needed it so.........

Go for it.... 

               I like better  
  almost as much as I like chocolate

 and if you did it first ...well you should have made it easier to search.

 Oh and pfffffffttttt. 

Here is you materials list....

1. A  receiving blanket
2. 4 or 10 clear rubber bands (sometimes they brake)
3. 2  safety pins
4. 2  Pom-poms 
5. 1  pipe cleaner
6.  A pen, pencil, or Sm. wooden dowel etc. 
7. Four legged helper ( optional ) 



Open receiving blanket and smooth flat 
{iron if you are the type} I'm not. 

Fold in half...   

now fan fold in quarters or fourths {how ever you wish to think of it..}

It should look like this.....

Now fold this long way toward the other end stopping about  2.5" (2 1/2 in.) ... like will see why in just a few...

Decided how big you want your "wings" 

Now roll from folded edge, at a slight angle til you reach this point... See how the ends come out even as you roll.

 Cool uh?

{I roll with the curved towards me so that the bottom wings will have the curved edge. }

Now you get to use the clear "ouch-less" rubber bands for hair. Put one on the tapered end of your "butterfly" this is his tail.... 

Fold back the ends of the blanket like so and even up the "wings So that there is the same amount of fabric on both sides of the body.

With the tail away from you, pull another rubber band over it and all the way over what will be the head.

Now use one more rubber band to secure the head like you did for the tail. 

 Like this.....

peel one of the edge layers on the head back over the rubber band (you will see why later). 

 You are starting to see how this will look like a butterfly aren't you....

 Now for the wings ...

body on top ....tail away from you... fold the top edge of blanket to you and slightly under edge of body.

Holding the corner points of blanket ( wing tips) and body gently pull rounded edges of blanket out and way from you. To form the bottom half of wings.

Now to finish the wings....

You will need the last clear rubber band. Pinch the wings about mid-body and slip (OK maybe more like wrestle) the rubber band over top wings and body. 

                              Like so >>

Now work your magic and make him/her look "right" to you.

Now it's time to get personal...use your own flair to give your Butterfly some personality... 

Get the two safety pins and pom-poms. 

Push the pom-poms on the pins and close.

 Fold the pipe cleaner in half and curl on finger, pencil, pen, dowel, you get the drift. 

Remember when you folded part of the blanket back over the rubber band on the head?  

Well, now stick the pipe cleaner in there. 

Ta - Daaaah!   

Now just forward of this. Slip the clasp end of the safety pins into a fold of the blanket to make the eyes. 

underside of butterfly 
  Sit back and admire your work! 

You can put this on a package as a bow... 

On the diaper cake as a topper.... 

Hang from fishing line to decorate at the shower.


                      Now get busy and fly with it.....

The author and creator